Technology Set
Customer Billing Models
Our Technology set encompasses Open Source
Technologies. In fact our strength is Open Source. Our
Expertise lies in leveraging Open Source Technologies to
deliver Enterprise Class IT Solutions. We have been
completely focused on our Technology set right since our
inception. This roughly translates into more than
35 Man Years Experience in Open Source
1. Coding Language
2. Client Side Scripting
Java Script
3. Frameworks
Java Struts for implementing MVC2 Architecture
4. Libraries
Apache Jakarta Commons
Apache Jakarta Commons Attributes
Commons Attributes
Apache Jakarta Commons BeanUtils
Commons BeanUtils
Apache Jakarta Commons Collections
Commons Collections
Apache Jakarta Commons Configuration
Common Configuration
Apache Jakarta Commons Daemon
Commons Daemon
Apache Jakarta Commons DBCP
Commons Database Connection Pooling
Apache Jakarta Commons DbUtils
Commons DbUtils
Apache Jakarta Commons Digester
Rule based XML->Java object mapping module
Apache Jakarta Commons Discovery
Commons Discovery
Apache Jakarta Commons EL
Commons EL
Apache Jakarta Commons Email
Commons Email
Apache Jakarta Commons FileUpload
File upload component for Java servlets
Apache Jakarta Commons HttpClient
Jakarta Commons HttpClient
Apache Jakarta Commons IO
Commons IO
Apache Jakarta Commons Jelly
Commons Jelly
Apache Jakarta Commons JEXL
Commons JEXL Expression Language Engine
Apache Jakarta Commons JXPath
XPath for Java Objects
Apache Jakarta Commons Lang
Java Common Components
Apache Jakarta Commons Launcher
Commons Launcher
Apache Jakarta Commons Logging
| Commons Logging. The Logging package is an ultra-thin bridge between different logging implementations. A library that uses the commons-logging API can be used with any logging implementation at runtime. Commons-logging comes with support for a number of popular logging implementations, and writing adapters for others is a reasonably simple task. |
| Applications (rather than libraries) may also choose to use commons-logging. While logging-implementation independence is not as important for applications as it is for libraries, using commons-logging does allow the application to change to a different logging implementation without recompiling code. Note that commons-logging does not attempt to initialise or terminate the underlying logging implementation that is used at runtime; that is the responsibility of the application. However many popular logging implementations do automatically initialise themselves; in this case an application may be able to avoid containing any code that is specific to the logging implementation used. |
Apache Jakarta Commons Modeler
Commons Modeler
Apache Jakarta Commons Net
Jakarta Commons Net
Apache Jakarta Commons Pool
Commons Object Pooling Library
Apache Jakarta Commons Primitives
Commons Primitives
Apache Jakarta Commons Transaction
Commons Transaction
Apache Jakarta Commons Validator
Commons Validator
Apache Jakarta JCS
Apache Jakarta POI
Java API To Access Microsoft Format Files
Apache ORO
Regular Expression engine supporting various dialects, regexp
Apache Regexp
Regular Expression engine, regexp
Jakarta Taglibs
| It is a small, easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition (DDL) files. These are XML files that contain the definition of a database schema, e.g. tables and columns. These files can be fed into DdlUtils via its Ant task or programmatically in order to create the corresponding database or alter it so that it corresponds to the DDL. Likewise, DdlUtils can generate a DDL file for an existing database.
| DdlUtils uses the Turbine XML format, which is shared by Torque and OJB. This format expresses the database schema in a database-independent way by using JDBC datatypes instead of raw SQL datatypes which are inherently database specific. |
Java Data Objects (JDO)
| DdlUtils uses the Turbine XML format, which is shared by Torque and OJB. This format expresses the database schema in a database-independent way by using JDBC datatypes instead of raw SQL datatypes which are inherently database specific.
Interfaces are defined for the user's view of persistence:
| * PersistenceManager: the component responsible for the life cycle of persistent instances, Query factory, and Transaction access |
| * Query: the component responsible for querying the datastore and returning persistent instances or values |
| * Transaction: the component responsible for initiating and completing transactions |
Apache ObJectRelationalBridge - OJB
| Apache ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases. |
Apache Torque
| Torque is an object-relational mapper for Java. Torque is an object-relational mapper for java. In other words, Torque lets you access and manipulate data in a relational database using java objects. Unlike most other object-relational mappers, Torque does not use reflection to access user-provided classes, but it generates the necessary classes (including the Data Objects) from an XML schema describing the database layout (which can either be written by hand or generated from an existing database). The XML schema can also be used to generate and execute a SQL script which creates all the tables in the database. |
| As Torque hides database-specific implementation details, Torque makes an application independent of a specific database if no exotic features of the database are used. |
| Usage of autogeneration eases the customization of the database layer, as you can override the autogenerated methods and thus easily change their behaviour. |
SQL4J - for object to relational mapping
Apache Lucene
| Is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search, especially cross-platform. |
Lucene Java, provides Java-based indexing and search technology.
Nutch builds on Lucene Java to provide web search application software.
5. XML
Apache Forrest
Aggregated multi-channel documentation framework, separation of concerns.
Apache Xindice
XML Database
Apache XML Commons Resolver
XML Entity and URI Resolver utility class.
Apache XMLBeans
| XMLBeans is a technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types. XMLBeans provides several ways to get at the XML: strong XMLSchema typed model, cursor API, streaming (SAX, Stax) and DOM. XMLBeans covers 100% XMLSchema support while giving access to full infoset of documents. |
6. Testing
JUnit Testing Framework
JFluid and Eclipse for Load Testing
Apache Jakarta JMeter
Pure Java application for load testing
7. Build-management
Ant for Java Projects
| A GUI for running Ant and editing build files, can run as stand-alone or as a plugin to jEdit. In addition to running targets, Antelope can generate performance statistics and can trace/display a target's execution path without actually executing the target. |
| Includes several additional tasks: Assert, If/Else, Try/Catch/Finally, Switch, Variable, Stopwatch, Limit, Math, Post, SSH, SCP, AntFetch, AntCallBack. |
| Anthill is a build tool that promotes a controlled build process by ensuring that every build reflects the source repository contents and tagging the repository with a unique build number after every build. Anthill also encourages the sharing of knowledge within an organization by automatically updating a project intranet site with artifacts from the latest build. |
| Antigen (Ant Installer Generator) is a tool to take an Ant build script, combine it with a GUI and wrap it up as an executable jar file. Its main use is for creating graphical, ant-based installers. |
| Builds MSI style installers (with command line option) using Ant as Back end. UI developed by writing an XML install descriptor. Runtime launched from scripts or an all inclusive Jar. |
| The Antlion Project adds value to Ant build scripts by providing tasks which centralizes the library dependencies, and enables projects to define dependencies upon other projects. External dependencies may be loaded from a custom local repository or Maven-like remote repositories. Antlion handles the generation of properties, filesets, and paths. Inter-project dependencies allow for building the other project's files if they aren't already built. |
| The antworks project is a set of tools and standardized targets that greatly simplifies using ant in your project. The driver behind antworks is Importer. Importer is an extension to the ant import task that will download and cache an ant build.xml file and it's associated resources called antlets. Antlets are available for Java compiling and packaging, JUnit, Forrest, J2EE and more. |
| CruiseControl is a tool for setting up a continuous build process. CruiseControl provides an Ant wrapper and a set of tasks to automate the checkout/build/test cycle. CruiseControl also comes bundled with a servlet for viewing the status of the current build, as well as previous build results. |
| Invicta is a build management tool. Using simple project definition files, it generates powerful build scripts (such as ANT) while hiding their complexity. Invicta is a modular framework that allows developing additional components and output types. |
JAM - JavaGen Ant Modules
| JAM is a modular Ant toolkit for developing and testing Java/J2EE applications. JAM supports EJB and Servlet/JSP development using XDoclet, JUnit, Cactus, Maven, Castor and MDA/UML code generation on various J2EE servers including JBoss. |
| Savant helps simplify builds and codebases by handling the resolution of project dependencies automatically. Savant supports Maven style dependency downloads and various other methods of retrieving dependencies, including fetching files from CVS modules. Savant goes a step further than other dependency solutions and provides the means for multiple internal projects to build each other in order to resolve inter-project dependencies. Savant can be used via various Ant types and tasks as well as used from any Java application including those that do not make use of Ant. |
Apache Forrest
| Aggregated multi-channel documentation framework, separation of concerns. Apache Forrest is a publishing framework that transforms input from various sources into a unified presentation in one or more output formats. The modular and extensible plugin architecture is based on Apache Cocoon and relevant standards, which separates presentation from content. Forrest can generate static documents, or be used as a dynamic server, or be deployed by its automated facility. |
8. Source Control
Constant Versioning System (CVS)
9. Database
10. Web/Application Server
Apache HTTP Server
The Apache web server - Apache httpd.
Apache Tomcat
A Java Servlet and Java Servet Pages specifications implementation.
EJB Container