1. Fixed Cost Customer Billing Model.*
| This Customer Billing Model is used primarily for Solution forms where Deliverables are clearly identifiable and so the effort estimate involved in creation of the Solution can be worked out to a degree of realiability. GSPL charges for the approximate effort estimate (in form of estimated Mandays involved) involved in Creation of the Solution. We arrive at the Cost estimate based on the basis of Functional Point Analysis (COCOMO). The Functional Point Analysis gives the approximate engineering days total effort. The total predicted effort multiplied with the man day cost gives us the total approximate cost. This Billing Model works best for the following category of Solutions:
* It is to be noted that if Customers want a Fixed Cost Model for an End to End Solution, it is assumed that the proposed System Requirements (in DETAIL) are present with the customer. The System Requirements form the basis of our Proposal. In the event, System Requirements are not present, documented or are sketchy, GSPL would do help the Customer in framing the System Requirements before submitting the Proposal. However, the effort utilized in System Requirements Study would be billed additionally. This billing would depend upon the convinience of the Customer.
2. Variable Cost Customer Billing Model
| The Variable Customer Billing Model is used primarily for Solution forms where the effort Estimate involved in creation and delivery of a Solution is not clearly identifiable even if the associated Deliverables are clearly spelt out. For example, Troubleshooting, Bugfixing, Deployment, Software Installations and Configurations etc. |